We are proud to provide dental cleanings and exams here at Dental Group of Anaheim. Our dentists and team are committed to your oral health and smile, and this routine preventive care plays a vital role in helping you enjoy your smile for life.

What Happens During A Dental Cleaning & Exam?

During a dental cleaning and exam, you will experience a thorough and essential process that ensures the health of your teeth and gums.

  • Cleaning – A dental hygienist will begin by removing plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth using special instruments. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, while tartar is hardened plaque that cannot be removed by brushing alone. This step helps prevent cavities and gum disease. After the initial cleaning, a gritty toothpaste will be used to polish your teeth, leaving them smooth and shiny.
  • Examination – After the cleaning, our dentists will perform a comprehensive examination of your oral health. This includes checking for signs of cavities, gum disease, oral cancer and other dental issues. X-rays might be taken to get a closer look at your teeth and the supporting structures. Our dentists will also assess the alignment of your bite and the condition of any existing dental work.

Why Is Preventive Care Important?

Preventive dental care plays a pivotal role in maintaining your overall oral health and wellbeing. By taking proactive measures, you can prevent the development of more serious dental issues down the road.

Regular dental cleanings and exams help in several ways:

  • Early detection – many dental problems are easier and less expensive to treat when diagnosed early. Regular dental checkups allow our dentists to identify these issues in their earliest stages, before they can cause discomfort and damage to your smile.
  • Oral health education – our dentists and team provide personalized advice on proper oral hygiene practices and dietary choices, as well as helping you understand your current oral health and treatment options. Learning the best ways to care for your teeth and gums can help prevent dental problems and also allows you to make informed decisions regarding your care.
  • Gum disease prevention – gum disease can be prevented by regular professional preventive care as well as a good oral hygiene routine at home.
  • Overall health – Your oral health is linked to your overall health, and poor oral hygiene has been associated with various systemic conditions. Preventive dental care helps contribute to your overall health and wellness.

How Often Should You Receive Cleanings & Exams?

You should have a professional cleaning and exam every six months. However, the frequency of your visit can vary based on your individual needs and risk factors. Our dentists may recommend a more frequent schedule of visits if needed, such as if you have a history of gum disease or have risk factors such as smoking, a weakened immune system, diabetes or other medical conditions.

Our dentists will assess your oral health and provide personalized recommendations on your schedule of visits and your treatments.

Make Your Appointment

We invite you to call us today at 714-635-5500 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Jee Lee or Dr. Yong Kim and learn more about dental cleanings and exams in Anaheim, California.

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We Would Love to Hear From You!

Here at Dental Group of Anaheim, we are dedicated to your smile and oral health. We invite you to call or visit us today to schedule your personal consultation and learn more about comprehensive dentistry in Anaheim, California, and the surrounding areas. We look forward to helping you care for your smile!

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